BATMAN ANNUAL, DC Comics / Art by Lee Weeks
1.BATMAN ANNUAL #2 / DC Comics
Written by Tom King / Art by Lee Weeks & Michael Lark
People. I can’t stress this enough. Tom King’s BATMAN ANUUAL #2 is one of the best Batman comics I’ve ever read. Hell, it’s one of the best single issue comic books I’ve ever read. Comic “Annuals” are most often pretty hit or miss. I even skip them altogether sometimes. This book definitely came out of left field and was surprisingly emotional, tightly written, and just beautiful and poetic. These are all things you’re standard superhero book are not. I don’t even want to talk about specifics so you can go in as fresh as possible. This issue will be winning some awards for sure.

SWORD OF AGES, IDW / Art by Gabriel Rodriguez
Written by Gabriel Rodriguez / Art by Gabriel Rodriguez
I was a huge fan of LOCKE & KEY so when I heard artist Gabriel Rodriguez was tackling a new project I just had to check it out. I remember reading a FREE #0 issue that included some concept art and a few pages from this issue. I was blown away by how beautiful it was. SWORD OF AGES revolves around the mighty sword Excalibur and all the key characters, such as Merlin the magician, that took part in its story. AGES beautifully blends fantasy and science fiction creating a truly unique version of this classic tale. If this book wasn’t on your radar already, you need to change that right now. Well worth a look.

DOOMSDAY CLOCK, DC Comics / Art by Gary Frank
3. DOOMSDAY CLOCK #1 (of 12) / DC Comics
Written by Geoff Johns / Art by Gary Frank
Love the idea or not, DC has big plans for the return of WATCHMEN. DOOMSDAY CLOCK is a sequel to that iconic and groundbreaking book. And yes, some of our favorite WATCHMEN characters will be sharing the page with the like of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and a whole gaggle of other DC legends. While this idea sounds like a bad one, it’s actually quite good. This premiere issue was smart, had smooth pacing, and successfully built my excitement for its overall potential. The story honors and pays tribute to the original and seeing the likes of Batman and Superman here was not as jarring as I expected. Go in with an open mind and you may be surprised by how fun this book turned out to be.

BATMAN WHITE KNIGHT, DC Comics / Art by Sean Murphy
Written by Sean Murphy / Art by Sean Murphy
Sean Murphy is a powerhouse creator. With such hits as PUNK ROCK JESUS and TOKYO GHOST already under his belt, he’s proven to be someone to keep an eye on. And in a completely unpredictable move, his next book is a Batman book? Ok, cool. I can get down with this! WHITE KNIGHT is not set in the main DC timeline allowing Murphy to go nuts and do whatever he wants and include any character he chooses. Best yet, he’s painting Batman as the villain and Joker as the hero. And you know what, it kind of makes sense. From a certain point of view. Not sure why I just quoted STAR WARS, but it felt right. My point is, WHITE KNIGHT is an excellent book, and something a little different.

DARTH VADER, Marvel Comics / Art by Giuseppe Camuncoli
5. DARTH VADER #8 / Marvel Comics
Written by Charles Soule / Art by Giuseppe Camuncoli
I need to train myself to stop including these new DARTH VADER books in my top 5 picks. I just can’t get over how fun these issues have been. I’m a sucker for STAR WARS and have been having a damn field day with Marvel’s latest offerings. This new ongoing book is probably one of the best yet teaching us so much about Vader just after his turn to the dark side. Get in on these new STAR WARS books, and if you can only choose one, make it DARTH VADER.
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