This weekend marks the official launch of our NEVER ENDING RADICAL DUDE Patreon campaign! We are excited to join this new community to not only make the website better and more consistent, but to also connect with YOU the reader in a more personal way! All the goals and rewards set up on our Patreon page are geared towards making the site the best it can be and to connect with you in new and exciting ways! Please take a moment to visit the Patreon page, watch our intro video, and choose your reward tier! Head on over to the official campaign page to get an idea about what this is all about!
NEVER ENDING RADICAL DUDE is my passion in life. Posting news and reviews, sharing exclusive art, and creating original videos and podcasts all surrounding movies, TV, video games, comic books, toys, and art is what I want to spend my time and energy on! If you enjoy the site, love what we represent, and want to help support our growth, Patreon is absolutely the best way to get involved! Donations and sharing the link for our Patreon page are equally appreciated! With your help, we’re going to take NEVER ENDING RADICAL DUDE to the next level!
Jason Furie / Founder, Editor-in-Chief